Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Evie's trip to the Surgeon today

We had our yearly appointment with Dr. P today. Evie did so well, she even talked to him a little, and willingly opened her mouth so that he could look inside. The nurses were enchanted with her, and gave her a Garfield band-aid, two stickers, a Hershey's kiss. She also got to eat lunch out (chicken nuggets, applesauce, juice, and mama's fries), so it ended up being a pretty good day for her!

Dr. P gave us good news and bad news. The good news is that Evie seems to be doing very well, and he doesn't think that she will need the p-flap surgery for another couple years, at least. It is our hope that she will catch up enough in the speech department that she will not need it at all. (We were expecting him to want to schedule the p-flap surgery at this appointment.)

The bad news is that her jaw isn't growing correctly. Dr. P explained that when she is a teenager, she will have to have several years of braces (we expected that already). Then, she will have to have surgery to basically break the upper and lower jaw bones, and reset them in the correct positions. This will be a major surgery, and he will not combine it with any of the other procedures that we are expecting Evie to need. (So, being the kind of mama I am, I am already worrying about this surgery that is at least 10 years off...)

He also said that she might need some baby teeth pulled, in order for the adult teeth to be able to come in correctly.

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