Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Neurosurgeon Appointment

Since Andy has spina bifida, our new pediatrician thought it would be a good idea to have a MRI done, and to get him an appointment at the Spina Bifida Clinic at the local children's hospital.

The MRI was last week. He did really well, and Geoff, our nurse, was wonderful. Evie had a good time with Nana and Papa in the waiting room while I got to stay with Andy the whole time. (did you know that MRI machines are LOUD? I had to wear earplugs, and so did Bubba!)

Our doctor got us a referral to the neurosurgeon, who rushed us in for an appointment right away. We were worried that she saw something very wrong and that's why she wanted to see us right away.

Nope! She thinks that Andy is doing really well, and not having any problems with his SB currently. She ordered a couple tests, got us an appointment with the SB Clinic, and basically told us that we just need to wait and watch him for any issues that might come up. She also confirmed that his diagnosis from China was correct, and he has the meningocele form of SB instead of the more severe myelomeningocele form. We are so blessed, this is wonderful news!

Next step: SB Clinic, August 10, 7 am.